Acoustical systems: analogies | Part 2: equivalent circuits

Knowledge summary

Summary (3)

  • In the case of a waveguide whose length is superior to the wavelength, the phenomena of internia and compressibility exist at every point of the waveguide. Thus, the lumped element hypothesis is no longer valid.

  • The relation between the pressure and volume velocity at two points is given by the transmission matrix. This matrix allows the joining of the impedances between these two points.

  • The nature of the duct endings determine the eigenfrequencies of the waveguide. The usual cases are:

    • Open-open: the eigenfrequencies are given by the expression where is the length of the guide. We speak about half-wavelenght ( ) resonance.

    • Open-closed: the natural frequencies are given by the exression where is the length of the guide. We speak about quarter-wavelenght resonance.

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