Acoustical systems: analogies | Part 2: equivalent circuits

Knowledge summary

Summary (1)

  • Usually, in electroacoustics, we consider that the wavelength is much bigger than the dimensions of the system under study: it is the lumped element hypothesis.

  • A short duct can be seen as an equivalent mass-spring system, thus expressing the internial and compressibility phenomena of the fluid.

  • The end condition (extremity of the duct) determines the behavior of the duct: a duct open at both ends behaves as an acoustic mass (the air can move without compression). A duct open only at one end acts as an acoustic spring (the air is compressed without moving).

  • The electrical equivalent of a tube, open at both ends, is a series inductor. The electrical equivalent of a tube, open only at one end, is a capacitor connected in parallel.

  • The equivalent circuits of long waveguides are T and networks. In low frequencies, the impedance values are those obtained with lumped elements.

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