Part 4.2: Elementary acoustic loads of a loudspeaker

Calculation of the enclosure parameters

Dimensions of a vented enclosure may be determined by means of graphs or by numerical calculations.

Calculation with graphs

  • Use Figure 1 which is an extension of Table 1 [3].

  • From of a loudspeaker on the left axis. Join the curve with a horizontal line.

  • Deduce the value of and calculate the volume of the enclosure .

  • Deduce the value of

    Calculate the resonant frequency of the enclosure

  • Deduce the value of . Calculate the cut-off frequency at -3 dB

Curves for determining the dimensions of a vent enclosure

Numerical calculation

In this case, it is possible to use various speaker simulation software, such as those mentioned on this page:

AccueilAccueilImprimerImprimer Bruno Gazengel and Philippe Herzog Paternité - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Partage des Conditions Initiales à l'IdentiqueRéalisé avec Scenari (nouvelle fenêtre)