Part 4.2: Elementary acoustic loads of a loudspeaker

Electrical impedance

Electrical impedance, that was obtained with Akabak software [2] and using the loudspeaker whose characteristics are given in annex 4, is shown on the figure below :

This figure shows the electrical impedances calculated for the three cases:

- loudspeaker in an infinite screen

- loudspeaker mounted in the enclosure of 30 liters volume

- loudspeaker mounted in the enclosure of 5 liter volume

Effect of the enclosure is clearly visible and shows an increase of the resonance frequency due to the effect of the air inside the volume which increases the mechanical stiffness of the whole system.

Effect of the eigenmodes of a cavity on the impedance curve (at 550 Hz approximately) appears for the enclosure of 5 liter volume.

AccueilAccueilImprimerImprimer Bruno Gazengel and Philippe Herzog Paternité - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Partage des Conditions Initiales à l'IdentiqueRéalisé avec Scenari (nouvelle fenêtre)