Acoustical systems: analogies | Part 2: equivalent circuits

Application exercise for T and Π networks

We will consider the boomwhackers described earlier. The system under study is a tube open at one end, and closed at the other.

We will now make the equivalent network of a boomwhacker and calculate its input impedance ( ) as shown below.


  1. Represent the equivalent T-network of a boomwhacker without the termination impedance

  2. Determine the termination impedance of the boomwhacker

  3. Represent the equivalent circuit of the boomwhacker with the termination impedance

  4. Calculate the value of the acoustical input impedance with the equivalent circuit. For which frequencies is the impedance zero?

  5. Give the expression of the acoustical input impedance at low frequency (wave length very large compared to the tube length). Do we find the frequencies calculated in point 4. ?

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