Acoustical systems: analogies | Part 2: equivalent circuits

Influence of the termination impedance on the eigen frequency

The eigenmodes of a system can be deducted from the analysis of the input impedance of a system

  • The input impedance of the system can be calculated with the help of the apparent impedance equation: by knowing the termination impedance , the impedance can be deduced.

  • The continuity of pressure and volume velocity at the input leads to .


Open ended tube . In this case, the acoustical input impedance of the tube is written where is the length of the tube.

  • Tube open at . In this case the input impedance is . The condition implies , i.e. . Knowing that , the natural frequencies are given by . The relation between tube length and wave length is

  • Tube closed at . The condition implies , i.e. . Knowing that , the natural frequencies are given by . The relation between tube length and wave length is .

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